A chapter of Saving Animals from Euthanasia (S.A.F.E.)
Over 7,200 animals saved since 2002
Serving Central Virginia
About Our Rescue

In 2002, a group of friends scattered across Richmond and the surrounding area decided to form an animal rescue group so they could fulfill their longtime desire to save as many animals as possible from being put to death simply because they had become an inconvenience, or were the offspring of un-spayed and un-neutered animals. . . the abandoned and homeless. They also hoped to educate the public about the benefits of spay/neuter whenever possible.
During the years since these friends undertook this mission, they and the people who have joined them have managed to rescue over 4,000 animals. Each of these adoptable pets has become a family member to their adoptive families.
Everyone who works with WECR is an unpaid volunteer. Most of them have full-time jobs and precious little extra time. They transport animals from the pounds to foster homes, take them to the vet, and provide food, litter, toys, and love. They nurse the sick ones back to health, and cry when they lose even one to illness, They man adoption stands wherever they can and they interview prospective adopters, trying to insure the best match for each animal and each family.
They know that as hard as it is emotionally to do these things, they are helping to save lives one by one, and they don't turn away when things get difficult.
We are a no-kill organization.
We spay/neuter all animals either before adoption or after through participating providers.
What we stand for and what we do:
* Rescuing homeless cats *
* Providing medical assistance to all (vaccinations, parasite treatment, tests, etc. *
* Finding good homes via PetSmart, PetFinder.com, and adoption events *
* Keeping animals in our own homes until adopted *